How to act?

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Sursauts Citoyen’s website is a collaborative map, so your help is important. It aims to shine a light on every individual initiative, citizen collective, and association that locally comes out to help migrants. Therefore, we need your help to improve the map.

In addition, we would like to say loud and clear that France is not the country that is afraid of the “other”. We are convinced that there are many of us who want to open our borders and our hearts by offering a dignified refuge for those who faced extreme danger to come here.

Make your voice heard and help us show this narrative in the media!

1- Help us add more initiatives to the map

Our website uses an online form that allows you to register any initiatives close to you that you may know. You can also share it with your friends, acquaintances and colleagues, so that they may add each of the initiatives that they know.

2- Make “Sursaut Citoyen” heard on social media!

We want our voices to be heard, by showing a reality that is underestimated by the media: we are thousands who are taking action in support of accepting migrants and who are opposed to the current narrative being widely broadcasted. If the media- notably TV- doesn’t talk enough about our cause, we can be visible on social media. Help spread the initiatives of Sursaut Citoyen in real time and help us demonstrate that France knows how to be a country of refuge.

Follow us on Twitter: @SursautC
Use our hashtag as much as possible in your tweets:#LaPreuveParNous

Examples of tweets:
• Le Sursaut Citoyen: 1000 initiatives in solidarity with #migrants! Which one is yours? #LaPreuveParNous
• The French are committed to welcoming migrants! 1000 mapped initiatives on #LaPreuveParNous @SursautC
• We breathe better and feel better when we open the borders! #LaPreuveParNous @SursautC
• Close the borders? No. France is a country of refuge: we are committed #LaPreuveParNous

On Facebook :
Use the #LaPreuveParNous images below as your profile picture and include the following link in the description: You can also add it as a filter to your profile picture to show your support for Sursaut Citoyen.

Share an example of an initiative close to you and include the link

3- Create a short video presenting your local initiative

PA few videos have been posted online to allow engaged citizens to display the reasons of their own engagement and the initiative they support.

We invite you to film, using simply your phone, a short video where you present yourself, your location and the name of your project. Then, you may explain what inspired your engagement and what you bring to the table. Try to film horizontally and not to zoom in.

You can then post your video on social media and use the hashtag #LaPreuveParNous. On Twitter, you can also tag @SursautC in the description.

We will use your message to widespread the story that we want to tell: a story of hospitality, openness, and solidarity that we are all living proof of.

4- Use the Sursaut Citoyen logo in all of your posts (press releases, websites, etc)

You can download the different campaign logos below (all of which are high quality).